Riding The Wave Isn't Always Smooth 24"x62"

Riding The Wave Isn't Always Smooth 24"x62"


I consider myself a petty relaxed and “go with the flow” type of person. I thrive on spontaneity and change! But sometimes I’m forced into going with the flow and there are times that I can only handle so much. As we entered into becoming foster parents we knew our life was changing, but now I realize that with every single child it is going to change in such a different way. We never thought about spending our days and nights doing lice treatments and spending most nice combing through the girls hair for lice. We really didn’t think we would have to restrain one of our girls. We didn’t think a child would bolt out our back door and run through our alley. It never crossed our mind that we would be in and out of the hospital so many times to get the help we needed for our girls. We didn’t realize a lot. But on the flip side what makes it so sweet is that we didn’t know how the good moments would over power the hard moments so intensely. We didn’t know we could create a bond with a 10 and 12 year old that would last a lifetime after them just living her 3 months. I NEVER expected Disney+ and a night in would bring me such joy. I never knew I could forgive so quickly. I didn’t know I had it in me to love in a way that is in no way self serving. Riding the wave has challenged myself, my faith, and my marriage and I’m thankful that it has only grown them

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